
About Course


Oh, you know what I'm talking about.

Watching someone struggle with an addiction is the ultimate emotional roller coaster. The ugly ride to hell and back. We're firing on all cylinders! All the time. Our phone is next to our pillow for those precious few hours we're able to sleep. Even when things are "okay"... we're always watching and waiting. Always on edge.

This introductory course will teach you some tools to begin to regulate your emotions, calm your mind and move you out of the numbness. It'll help you get aligned with what is important! You'll start to make better decisions. You'll start to feel the calmness in your body again. You'll connect with the most important person. Yourself!

We'll examine the four cornerstones of the ConNEXTion program: Connect, Know, Create and Move. Each is important to your healing but in this first course, we focus a lot on the basics of Connect.

This will take time and effort on your part. Some of this will not be easy and you'll want to stop and go back to pretending everything is going to be fine. Maybe it will .... but probably it won't.

So let me scream this from the highest mountain .... it is worth the effort. You're worth it!

Take a moment and imagine your life on the other side of all this. Imagine being calm, happy, with so few worries that you cry happy tears.

I'm here to tell you, there is hope. It is very possible.

Buy Inspire to start your journey. It is your next, best step!

14 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • 4 hours on-demand video

  • Full lifetime access

  • Downloadable resources

  • Access on mobile and TV
